List of High Price Ornamental Plants of All Time

Monstera Variegated Leaves
Are you a collector of ornamental plants? Or is it an ornamental plant maniac? If you are one of them, then you need to know the expensive ornamental plants of all time.

Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are tired of staying at home and starting to pay attention to domestic plants at home. Not a few people also remodel their front yard or terrace with new plants that are currently popular. Given that farming and playing with plants is one of the most effective stress relief ways, especially in times of a pandemic like today.

For those of you who are just playing with houseplants, try growing cheap houseplants before buying and maintaining expensive ornamental plants. It is highly recommended that you are trained in the habits of caring for plants. Names of Tress has summarized a variety of the best ornamental plants at affordable prices that you can read in our previous article here or if you have a yard the day after tomorrow, you can also plant beautiful medium-sized trees such as the List of Medium Sized Trees That Are Suitable for the Garden.

Well, especially for ornamental plant collectors or ornamental plant maniacs, you may be able to collect some of the high-priced plants below and enjoy their beauty. What are the expensive ornamental plants? Here is the list:


1. Monstera

Monstera obliqua in the Wild
Monstera obliqua in the Wild | Source:
  • Monstera obliqua
  • Monstera adansonii ‘Variegated’
  • Monstera borsigiana ‘Albo’ (like a Epipremnum aureum)
  • Monstera borsigiana ‘Half Moon’
  • Monstera Thai Constellation


2. Phillodendron

Philodendron tortum in the Wild
Philodendron tortum in collection | Source: Cumming

Non Variegated Leaves

  • Philodendron tortum (P. polypodioides)
  • Philodendron Majestic (P. verrucosum x sodiroi)
  • Philodendron Florida Bronze
  • Philodendron Paraiso Verde
  • Philodendron longilobatum
  • Philodendron fibraecataphyllum
  • Philodendron melanochrysum ‘Large’

Variegated Leaves

  • Philodendron Caramel ‘Variegated’
  • Philodendron Jose Buono ‘Variegated’
  • Philodendron Green Congo ‘Variegated’
  • Philodendron bipennifolium ‘Variegated’
  • Philodendron domesticum ‘Variegated’
  • Philodendron billietiae ‘Variegated’


3. Aglaonema

Aglaonema varieties in nurseries
Aglaonema varieties in nurseries | Source:
  • Aglaonema Escada
  • Aglaonema Golden Hope
  • Aglaonema Rinjani
  • Aglaonema Goliath
  • Aglaonema Audrey
  • Aglaonema Lotus
  • Aglaonema Romantic
  • Aglaonema Asri
  • Aglaonema Harley Quinn
  • Aglaonema Super White


4. Alocasia

Alocasia azlanii in collection
Alocasia azlanii in collection | Source:
  • Alocasia azlanii
  • Alocasia jacklyn
  • Alocasia trigina


5. Cycas

Cycas cairnsiana in collection
Cycas cairnsiana in collection | Source:
  • Blue Cycas (Cycas cairnsiana)
  • Silver Cycas (Cycas calcicola)
  • Tiger Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta ‘Aurea’)
  • Thai Silver Sago (Cycas siamensis ‘Silver Form’)


6. Indonesian Local Orchid

Phalaenopsis amabilis in the Wild
Phalaenopsis amabilis in the Wild | Source:

That is a list of popular ornamental plants that are expensive.

INFO: Purchasing expensive ornamental plants from online shops is not recommended. You are better off buying it from an offline seller where you can choose the plant as you wish and without going through a delivery service that often damages the condition of the plant.

Do you already own one of these or are you planning to buy one? Tell us about your experience in maintaining and caring for your favorite ornamental plants with us in the comments column. We are eager to hear about your experience. 🙂


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