Characteristics of Pondoland Fig Tree (Ficus bizanae) in the Wild
onPondoland Fig or Bizana Fig (Ficus bizanae) is a species of Ficus in the family Moraceae, endemic to the coastal forests of South Africa. The species is threatened by habitat loss.
Pondoland Fig grows in coastal forests, steep and riverine forests, and on rocky outcrops, at altitudes of 10 to 300 m above sea level.
The forest where this species lives in oNgoye is classified as Vulnerable due to extensive logging in the past. The immediate threats to this species are unknown, but patches of forest outside and within protected areas, particularly in the Ngoye Nature Reserve are under threat from firewood collection and this is thought to be causing ongoing habitat degradation.
The population size and trends of Ficus bizanae are unknown. Monitoring is required as the species may be impacted by firewood collection.
Characteristics of Pondoland Fig Leaf
The leaves have intact edges, usually have a rounded base, and sometimes have pointed tips.
Characteristics of Pondoland Fig Fruit
The fruit is small, yellowish-green in color, and grows in clusters. It is pollinated by Courtella wasps.
Characteristics of Pondoland Fig Tree
Ficus bizanae grows as a large tree that can grow up to 30 meters tall and has a trunk diameter of up to 3 meters. Ficus bizanae is found in tropical and subtropical regions, in dry and humid forests, often near rivers and streams.
Ficus bizanae is a fast-growing tree, best planted in full sun and well-drained soil. Propagation is done by seed or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in a warm, humid environment and cuttings should be taken from semi-old wood.